
Timothy interest in wine began after graduating with a business degree from UMass, Amherst, he had an opportunity to travel in Italy. He worked at the Locanda Del Sant'Uffizio, a small country inn and restaurant outside of Asti in Piemonte. At this former monastery, he experienced an old-fashioned way of life. Each prix fixe meal -- prepared with the freshest seasonal ingredients available on the property and nearby villages. The exposure to herbs, fruits and vegetables harvested at their peak, creating menus, and pairing the food with wine (from the inn’s estate grapes), introduced Timothy to flavors and sensory revelations that changed his life.
He returned to the U.S. to work for the Pierre Hotel in New York and The Four Seasons in Philadelphia. Arriving in Napa Valley in ‘93, he worked for Tra Vigne restaurant in St. Helena as manager and wine buyer.
In 1994, he and Barb teamed up to start Spelletich Cellars. Tim is proud that the Spelletich Family Wine Company will be celebrating 20 years!